Employers & Recruiters

Post a job

To advertise a full-time job or internship to Kelley business students and alumni, simply create an account on our free jobs database, KelleyCareers powered by Handshake , and we’ll take care of the rest.

Post a job

On-campus interviews

We can host your company for on-campus interviews in one of our five interview rooms. We schedule the candidates and you choose either open or preselected scheduled interviews.

Visit Campus

Build a talent pipeline

Create a customizable plan to introduce students to your company starting as early as freshman year through our Business Plus program.

Join Business Plus

Hiring Kelley

If you've hired one of our students or graduates, we want to know. Please complete our Employer Survey to report your hire.

Employer Survey

Why hire a Kelley?

Employers share why they choose to hire Kelley graduates.

Discover what makes us different.

The Kelley Indianapolis curriculum prepares graduates by focusing on applying classroom learning to actual business.

Integrative Core (I-Core), the centerpiece of our undergraduate curriculum and required for all Kelley Indianapolis undergraduates, emphasizes the interaction of operational, financial and marketing research and analysis. I-Core culminates with a group project in which students work with a local business to get first-hand exposure to how finance, marketing and operations come together in the context of a real company.

Learn more about our majors and career outcomes

I-Core helped me to connect all of my classes together and gave me an overall view of business that went beyond the majors I was pursuing.

Pat O'Neill, BS'15 Accounting and Finance

Let us help.

We'll assist you in selecting the best ways for your company to recruit qualified Kelley students.

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