Business Plus

Build your talent pipeline while helping students develop their careers

Kelley Indianapolis Business Plus is an immersive program linking undergraduate students to Indiana’s leading companies. Students alternate between semesters of academic coursework and paid work, with customizable options for companies to develop talent pipelines.

As a Business Plus partner, you build brand awareness on campus while training top talent among first-year college students, allowing you to nurture relationships as students progress through Kelley Indianapolis. This reduces your time and resources to attract and train permanent employees, who are prepared to contribute to your corporate culture and fuel the regional economy. At the same time, you help students gain real-world experience and develop professionally while putting course content into action.

Student selection

Your Business Plus partnership begins with an exploratory meeting with Kelley Indianapolis students, who can apply for the program as freshmen. Based on your feedback and the students’ interests, we’ll match you with students to hire. Depending on the Business Plus Path you select, you may receive a new cohort of students each year or continue with previous students.


The rigorous Kelley Indianapolis curriculum is sequenced specifically for the Business Plus program we create for you. Students enrolled in Business Plus take key courses at the beginning of their academic careers to ensure they are prepared for experiences at your company.

Much like a rotational program between companies, immersion options help you raise awareness of your organization among a new cohort of freshmen and sophomores each year. While you help students solidify their major and career path as they learn together, you can identify talent early and gain a competitive advantage with candidates who are a good fit for your company.

  • Freshman year: Students take classes in the fall semester, intern part-time in the spring with your company, and have the option for a summer internship.
  • Sophomore year: A cohort of three to five students transitions to a new company to gain exposure in another area of study and solidify their major choice. Sophomores also take classes in the fall and complete part-time spring and optional summer internships.


Co-op allows seniors to work full time with the same company. Students can complete more in-depth projects through consecutive semesters (including summer) at your company, offering you new perspectives from top business students while developing career prospects who will graduate soon.

  • Senior year: You and the students determine a timeframe for a full-time co-op at your company.


Secure early, unique access to freshmen who typically do not intern, and raise awareness about your brand and available career opportunities as you engage Kelley Indianapolis students in semester-long projects. Train your future workforce as you leverage flexible experiences to complete in-depth projects and solidify new initiatives.

  • Freshman year: Students have the option to intern in the summer at the end of their freshman year.
  • Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years: Students have the option to do part-time internships (average of 15 to 20 hours a week) during fall and spring semesters, plus optional summer internships.

Let's talk about recruiting at Kelley

Want to discuss how to build your brand and talent pipeline at Kelley Indianapolis? Contact us to learn more.

Image of Brenda Espinoza standing in a room on campus.

Brenda Espinoza

Associate Director, Employer Relations