Corporations & Foundations

Partner with Kelley to unlock innovation.

The corporate community plays a vital role in the success of the Kelley School of Business on the IU Indianapolis campus. Through partnership, we can achieve our key strategies of educating ethical, highly skilled business leaders and sustaining a culture of teaching innovation and research.

By investing in the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis, our corporate partners enable us to provide critical student support, curriculum enhancement, and sustainable growth to our academies, workshops, and research centers.

With your partnership, we can:

  • Provide critical student and faculty support.
  • Fuel a robust talent pipeline in the state of Indiana and beyond.
  • Support individual student and faculty initiatives for learning and research.
  • Provide experiential learning opportunities that prepare graduates for immediate success.

With the corporate engagement team as your guide, you can connect with our Kelley School of Business community.


STUDENTS at Kelley Indianapolis






Explore partnership opportunities

Collaborate with Kelley and other local organizations to connect qualified students with the business community to fuel the talent pipeline and prepare students for success. Through this program, we partner with local companies and community organizations like yours to raise your brand awareness among students. We customize engagement with the goal of filling your current and future job openings. Funds raised through corporate partnerships prepare our graduates to step directly into the workforce with tailor-made skill sets and educational experiences that prepare them for professional job opportunities. We welcome Kelley Indy Corporate Partners to serve on our Career Services Advisory Board and help us prepare students for today's job market.

Explore Corporate Partners

Kelley Indianapolis Business Plus is an immersive program connecting undergraduate students to Indiana employers. Students alternate between semesters of academic coursework and paid work, with customizable options for companies to develop talent pipelines through full- and part-time internships and co-ops. As a Business Plus partner, you can build brand awareness and train top talent among first-year college students, allowing you to nurture relationships as students progress through Kelley Indianapolis. 

View Business Plus options

Create a visible legacy on campus as you build name recognition through naming opportunities, which have included faculty scholars, chairs, professorships, directorships, fellowships, scholarships, and awards.

Some examples include:

  • OneAmerica Foundation Endowed Chairs
  • Citizens Energy Group Rise Diversity Scholarships
  • Key Bank Scholarship
  • The Hall Render Fellowship

Collaborate with Kelley faculty and students on a mutual-interest project, or establish a long-term partnership that aligns with your company’s core vision. Build a talent pipeline while offering Kelley students experience and real-time skills that are transferable from the classroom to the office.

Examples of recent projects:

  • Evening MBA capstone consulting projects connect our students with local companies to help solve a business challenge with guidance from expert Kelley faculty. Work with MBA students as they apply all the skills they've gained during the degree to offer you high-quality business recommendations. 
  • Corporate Evaluation Labs bring business students into the corporate setting, where local companies serve as quasi laboratories. This helps push students to go beyond academic mastery so they may practice execution precisely to the company's expectations, as if the students are already employees. Students conduct experiments, collect data, analyze processes, and collaborate with companies on consulting projects. 
  • I-Core is the cornerstone of Kelley's undergraduate program. In this project, junior-level, undergraduate students partner with central Indiana businesses in a cross-functional, semester-long project in which student teams explore new product opportunities and bring fresh perspectives and creative ideas to your company, guided by the Kelley faculty.

Create a business case to help students build practical strategic approaches to problem solving while putting their skills to the test. Kelley case competitions expand your reach throughout Kelley and help your company tackle real problems.

  • The Kelley-Daniels Case Competition has been a collaborative event between the Kelley School of Business and Purdue’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Management since 1999. Kelley students from both campuses compete against peers from Purdue University to propose solutions for a real-world business issue. 
  • The Center for Excellence in Manufacturing's annual Gregg M. Sherrill Case Competition attracts undergraduate students from several Indiana universities to solve current issues facing manufacturing managers. Gain manufacturing-specific insight into your business and connect with top talent. 
  • The Kelley Challenge offers employers early engagement with high school students who are considering pursuing a business career. This pre-college program leads high school students in case-style consulting projects with local companies to learn about possible business careers while building their networks. 

We host interactive engagements between students and employers both inside and outside of the classroom. We invite corporate partners to serve on panels and visit our classes for speaking and networking opportunities.

Recent partnerships include:

  • Kelley Indianapolis Career Weeks, when Kelley Indianapolis Career Services partners with the Kelley Indianapolis Student Government (KISG) to coordinate career weeks, like Accounting and Finance Week and Marketing Week, among others. Students attend sessions related to their career interests to hear from industry professionals and learn about internship and career opportunities.
  • The “Day in the Life” speaker series in our X220 course connects Kelley students with young professionals working in various industries so students can gain a deeper understanding of the work in their respective fields.

We can help you engage with students studying specific business majors or support initiatives that align with your company’s strategic priorities. Kelley is devoted to building a vibrant, inclusive campus by furthering the recruitment, retention, and success of diverse students, faculty, and staff, and we need your support.

Join our strategic partnerships:

  • Support diversity initiatives and entrepreneurship through programs like Kelley Challenge, BOSS Camp, and Business Connect, a summer bridge program for admitted students interested in business.
  • Partner with Kelley centers, institutes, and labs. These are our intellectual hubs fostered through cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research and collaborations among faculty, students, and businesses to build strong leaders of tomorrow. For example, you can engage with our Center for Excellence in Manufacturing or IU Business Sustainability and Innovation Lab to support and benefit from new research and on-the-ground business solutions. 
  • Engage with our business-related student organizations run by Kelley School students.

Contact Us

Thank you for considering making a gift in support of the Kelley School of Business at IU Indianapolis. For more information, please contact us.

Kara Hieser headshot

Kara Hieser

Senior Director of Development, Corporate Engagement

Jill Storm headshot

Jill Storm

Director of Development, Corporate Engagement