Corporate Partners

Train the employees of tomorrow

Help prepare business students to step directly into the workforce while also training graduates for available opportunities at your organization.

The Kelley Indianapolis Corporate Partners Program connects local companies and community organizations with qualified students to train for open positions and future jobs. Through your investment in the Kelley School, corporate partnerships prepare our graduates with skill sets and tailor-made educational experiences they’ll use to compete for professional job opportunities.

Kelley Indianapolis Corporate Partners also help ensure that our school continues to provide the most relevant training for today’s business student. Our partners help us shape our curriculum by providing authentic feedback and insights into your specific industry. Your input helps prepare Kelley students for today’s job market.

Corporate Partner benefits

  • A seat on our Career Services Advisory Board, where you can gain insights into student career interests and values.
  • Opportunities to creating brand awareness among students and build valuable relationships with future Kelley Indianapolis graduates through engagement opportunities.
  • Opportunities to provide the Kelley School with authentic feedback and contributions to undergraduate curriculum development.


Partner levels

As an Employee Partner, you can:

  • Schedule one recruitment table or information session per academic year.
  • Have your company logo featured on:
    - TV slides throughout the Kelley School building. 
    - The Career Services website.
    - Graphics in a weekly Kelley student newsletter.
  • One targeted student communication per academic year. 

As an Industry Partner with Kelley Indianapolis Career Services, you can:

  • Schedule two recruitment tables or informational sessions per academic year.
  • Ensure a spot at our two flagship Kelley Career Fairs in the spring and fall.
  • Connect with Kelley student organizations once per academic year during the five Industry Weeks, such as Accounting & Finance Week, Supply Chain Week, Real Estate & Entrepreneurship Week, Marketing Week, and HR & Management Week.
  • Be featured on Career Fair marketing materials, such as table tents, event posters, and digital graphics.
  • Have your company logo featured on:
    - TV slides throughout the Kelley School building. 
    - The Career Services website.
    - Graphics in a weekly Kelley student newsletter.
  • Be featured in one student communication per academic year. 

This partnership option is most beneficial for companies recruiting students across multiple business majors. As a Strategic Partner, your company can:

  • Host a group of students on site for a company visit once per calendar year.
  • Participate in Kelley career development courses, a requirement in the undergraduate curriculum.
  • Enjoy a customized enagement event at Kelley once per academic year.
  • Schedule four recruitment tables or informational sessions per academic year.
  • Ensure a spot at our two flagship Kelley Career Fairs in the spring and fall.
  • Connect with Kelley student organizations twice per academic year during the five Industry Weeks, such as Accounting & Finance Week, Supply Chain Week, Real Estate & Entrepreneurship Week, Marketing Week, and HR & Management Week.
  • Be featured on Career Fair marketing materials, such as table tents, event posters, and digital graphics.
  • Have your company logo featured on:
    - TV slides throughout the Kelley School building. 
    - The Career Services website.
    - Graphics in a weekly Kelley student newsletter.
  • Be featured in two targeted student communication per academic year. 

Ready to partner?

To learn more about Kelley Indianapolis Corporate Partners and explore the options that best fit your organization’s needs, contact us at